Synopsis: Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes is the utterly beguiling tale of a ten-year-old blind orphan who has been schooled in a life of thievery. One fateful afternoon, he steals a box from a mysterious traveling haberdasher—a box that contains three pairs of magical eyes. When he tries the first pair, he is instantly transported to a hidden island where he is presented with a special quest: to travel to the dangerous Vanished Kingdom and rescue a people in need.
Along with his loyal sidekick—a knight who has been turned into an unfortunate combination of horse and cat—and the magic eyes, he embarks on an unforgettable, swashbuckling adventure to discover his true destiny.
Peter Nimble was a very special boy. He was an orphan who was also blind. Besides his handicapped, he made a very great thief himself. He was known as a master thief on his very young age. He had specialty of opening any types of lock. One day, he met someone who had been knowing him since he was a baby. He gave him a treasure box containing 3 pairs of fantastic eyes.
By having 3 pairs of fantastic eyes which could deliver such magical power, Peter Nimble had to do a very special order. The professor who made him the fantastic eyes asked him to save the Vanished Kingdom. With his blindness and special ability to see without eyes in his sockets, Peter Nimble should bring back the Vanished Kingdom, which he barely knew what it was and how to reach that place. By a company from Sir Tode, his special friend, and 3 pairs of fantastic eyes, Peter Nimble began his very journey.
Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes is a type of book written for middle grade and children. This book was written by Jonathan Auxier. According to the cover, this book is very persuading to read. Especially after reading the synopsis. But, how about my opinion? Let's see together down below.
The main characters involved in this story are not many. Peter Nimble himself is the central character which appear most of the storyline. Peter Nimble is described as a ten-year-old boy who is handicapped but very gifted. His life as child is not very delightful. Despite of his blindness, Peter Nimble has various special ability and sense a normal person has not. Instead of Peter Nimble, Sir Tode also becomes the most appearing character. As his companion, Sir Tode is described as a brave but a bit boastful creature. King Incarnadine is the one who becomes the central antagonist, not to mention his fellows and loyalties.
The setting of this tale is a far far away place somewhere on earth which magic still becomes something common. Specifically, the setting takes place in Mr. Seamus's house, Professor Cake's island, and the Vanished Kingdom.
The conflict delivered
in Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes book is mostly about how he would
save the Vanished Kingdom, something he never saw and he barely knew. Despite that, before he came to the duty of saving the kingdom, he had faced some
personal conflicts with Mr. Seamus and other kids in his neighborhood.
The plot of this book is quite easy to follow. However, I don't think so how middle graders can deal with it. I guest the plot is too splintering. I mean, how the author tell the whole story is not to the point like what children's books used to be. I almost gave up reading this book, yet I tried to find the most interesting part by not skipping any pages. Finally, I found the interesting part when the story is about to reach the end. I mean, the last chapters are my favorite over all. And the ending is something nice to read and very heartwarming.
Over all, I like this book but not so much. How the author wrote the book very impressing me. When reading this book, I could feel how to be Peter completely with his blindness. I had to guess how the setting looks like and who else involved in the same scene with Peter, especially those Peter barely knew whom. Unfortunately, what makes me disappointed is that only the last chapters becoming my favorite over the whole storyline. I like the character of Peter Nimble and Sir Tode. I should admit that Sir Tode is my very favorite character ever. The book cover is very persuading for me but not the plot is, I can say.
The quotations I like the most:
"Some people search their whole lives for such a calling. Few are lucky enough to have it delivered in a bottle." (Professor Cake, chapter 6)"Sometimes it's best not to judge people for being different." (Peter Nimble, chapter 7)
The Book's Information:
Title: Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes
Author: Jonathan Auxier
Publisher: Penguin Group Canada
Edition: I/eBook English version
Published: August 2011
Pages: 272
ISBN: 978-0-14-318572-7
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy, Adventure, Magic
My rating: 3 out of 5 crowns
~Happy Reading~
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